PlasmaEtch Old

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The latest PlasmaEtch, MIP 4761 is highly efficient in removing encapsulant while protecting the delicate bonding wires. The MIP 4761 proprietary etching process can safely and cleanly decapsulate your most difficult IC packages. It is not only capable of etching the broadest range of IC packages but can complete its plasma decap of your IC device in the fastest etching time available on the market. The downstream plasma is uniformly streaming over a 100mm etching platform that allows multiple IC devices to be etched at the same time. One incredible feature that no other Plasma Decap system on the market can match is the capability of the MIP 4761 to produce its own eco-friendly (No flourine based gases) gases required for the plasma etching process.

Main Features

  • Focused 1,000 Watt Plasma Microwave Generator
  • Fast Etch Rate
  • No damage to metals
  • Compatible with Gold, Copper, Silver, Copper Palladium and
  • Aluminum Bonding Wires
  • No ion damage
  • Low Etching Temperature
  • Effective Etch Area 100mm
  • Automatic Vacuum Pressure Control
  • Only facility requirement 110V/220V power source