Nisene Showcases PlasmaEtch MIP4761 and Advanced IC Decapsulation at ISTFA 2024

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This past late October 2024 Nisene exhibited at the latest ISTFA symposium in San Diego, CA.  It was a well attended event and Nisene had many visitors both current customers and new attendees interested in our latest IC decapsulation system technologies.  We introduced the PlasmaEtch MIP4761 and received very positive responses by attendees and many already had a microwave induced plasma machine but wanted to explore how the MIP4761 could out perform other MIP products in the field.  This year looks to be an active one for the MIP4761, LaserEtch LE1064 and our JetEtch Pro/CuProtect and TotalProtect as we network with interested attendees from ISTFA and visitors to our Nisene website,